Busy times, blessed times, are times of spiritual struggle

I have always found that times of great blessing, success, and fruitfulness are sometimes times of the greatest spiritual struggles.

It’s on my mind now, because I have a lot of beautiful milestones coming up in my author career, and I’m not surprised to be feeling the blahs a bit.

“Is this all there is?” “Does it really matter in the end?” “Is it worth it?” “I’m tired of my day job.” “I’m sick of the daily grind.”

I will always be grateful to St. Augustine for giving me the key to understanding why this happens, because it helps me to understand what it means and how to respond to it.

I want to share this with you so that you too can understand.

The fact is, love is an infinite thing. God is love, St. John tells us, and we were made for God. We have a God-shaped hole in our hearts that nothing else can fill.

“You have made us for yourself, O God, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”

This is the key St. Augustine gives us. This is the explanation.

I don’t mean to deny the struggle and pain of such moments, but the fact is, this struggle in times of material blessing and growth is an incredible spiritual blessing.

It is a reminder that we are not made for this world, that nothing good in this world can satisfy our hearts. It is meant to direct us onward to God, who CAN, LONGS TO, and WILL satisfy that spiritual thirst for all eternity.

Ten years ago, in a period not of success but of questions and starting over, I invited Jesus into my life. I was a practicing Catholic, but I didn’t pray much, and I told Jesus, literally, something like, “I believe that You love me. And I want to give You a chance like I never have before.”

I started praying daily. And MAN, did Jesus take that opening!

I have timed the release of book two to time with the tenth anniversary of the day Jesus broke into my life in a way like He never had before. Because He was waiting for my invitation.

By now, I have learned how to view and how to respond to the ache in my heart that is my deep longing for God. I know not to let it disturb the peace He has given me that the world cannot give. By His grace, it does not, because His Word is true.

And I want you to know, He is just waiting for an invitation from you.

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