Guard your mind

The culture of the West today is utterly depraved. It makes my heart sad, but the collapse of the West is undeniable at this point.

The art, books, and music being produced are flat at best, and at worst openly promote selfishness, self-aggrandizement, glorification of sin, and victim mentalities that help no one and only make people miserable.

As I have grown more serious about my faith and my walk with Jesus over the last decade, I’ve become much more conscious of what media and art I open up my mind to. What messages (and especially images) I let in.

I basically limit myself to the classics now. Not because I feel I have to, but because that’s what I’m interested in. I want books with depth, heart, and meaning to them.

Now, the point of this post is not to preach. It’s just to note that what we let into our eyes and ears matters. It shapes our opinions, our thoughts, our perspectives. And all of us, no matter what we believe or where we are coming from, should consider whether we mindlessly let garbage in. Whether to cut back on the amount of garbage we mindlessly consume.

Just like this post, my books do not preach. At all. That’s not what they are about. I do not write “Christian fiction,” and honestly, I don’t read it. Not contemporary stuff. But in addition to telling a good story, full of action, adventure, and twists and turns, I am conscious of the worldview I’m promoting.

This means that my characters are conscious that objective good and evil exist. That life has meaning and purpose. That their choices matter. Bad choices have consequences in Herezoth. Love means sacrifice there–just like here. Bad things happen to good people, but my characters own their lives instead of playing the victim.

I’m been shocked by the impact that these simple things have had on reviews. People love it. They are hungry for a bit of normality and moral sanity, I think.

If this feels appealing to you, or you know someone who would like this, check out

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