Some ideas for future projects

The Herezoth trilogy will not be the end of Herezoth. I don’t know which other projects I’ll pick up, but I have a bunch of possibilities of where to go next.

First up, of course, is the prequel I have mentioned a few times. I have a draft of it, and I’m very happy with the story, though it needs work.

The question is where to go after that.

  • I have a draft from NaNoWriMo 2012 of a sequel involving Princess Melly (and Vane and August’s children.) I would need to rewrite it, but it has a lot of potential and some fun, gripping, unique scenes that I want to get out there. Because they deserve it. They are epic and wonderful, and among my favorite scenes I’ve ever written.
  • I want to write a collection of short stories from the time of the League, from Lanokas’s POV. That would be tons of fun.
  • Someone has mentioned they would love to have the story of the ancient sorcerers fleshed out: Hansrelto, Brenthor, and Mayven. That would be fascinating to write, but I’m not sure I could do it. Of the three, I’d be most interested in Mayven and would probably use her as POV character.
  • I love whodunits. Always have. And it occurred to me, only today, that there is nothing stopping me from setting a whodunit in Herezoth.

Those are the major ideas I have at the moment. They’re all different. It’s possible I could incorporate the whodunit into one of the others, maybe. Not sure how well that would work.

Anyways, that’s where my mind is right now. Lots of possibilities. Lots of fun!

For now, books one and two of the trilogy are available. Check out

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