Audiobook update: I forgot how much I love Laskenay!

As I write this, I have most of the audiobook version of The Crimson League: The Fight for Hope in for proofing. (It is now currently available on Audible! If it’s not yet on iTunes and Amazon, it will be there in a few days).

I listened to Chapter 28 yesterday, “Laskenay’s Tale.” (Learn more about Laskenay here).

Laskenay is one of the leaders of the Crimson League, and I totally forgot how much I love her. I can say that much without spoilers–which I am conscious of! I don’t put things on the blog that wouldn’t be in a trailer of the book.

I forgot how elegant she is, I guess. Her capacity to endure. Her resolve and resilience. I definitely lost sight of her ability to steal a scene–a couple of scenes in particular in surrounding chapters.

If I remember rightly (I started the first draft of book one in 2006, after all), Laskenay is not a character whose backstory and background I created as I went. I knew all about who she was and what her motivations were from the start. Pretty much as soon as I envisioned her as a character, I knew her past. I knew what she was fighting for.

I’m grateful to have rediscovered all that I love about her, and to see how well narrator Dana has picked up on and gets across the essence of who she is.

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