Patron Saints of the Crimson League

I’m Catholic, and as a Catholic, I believe that death doesn’t separate us from our older brother and sisters in the faith. Basically, I believe in the Communion of Saints–that we can ask the faithful who have gone before us to pray for us, just like we ask friends and family to pray for us.

I got to thinking today, pretty randomly, about which saints the members of the Crimson League would adopt as their patrons. This is what I got:

Kora: A teenage girl fighting in a civil war? St. Joan of Arc. For sure! Joan had no magic, of course, and her wars weren’t civil wars. But the connection is real.

Laskenay: St. Monica, who was very devoted to her family, and prayed for years and years for her son Augustine.

Lanokas: I feel like he would like St. Louis, King of France.

Bennie: Bennie would love the virgin martyrs of the Diocletian persecution, Agnes, Agatha, and Lucy.

Neslan: Neslan is an academic. He’s also probably most like me by temperament. And I really connect with St. John Henry Newman, both in temperament and as a theologian. Neslan would too. He would also really admire St. Ambrose–the bishop and doctor of the church who converted Augustine.

Ranler: He would get a kick out of St. Augustine’s story about stealing pears.

Kansten: Like Kora, I think Kansten would love St. Joan.

This isn’t the whole League, but these are ones whose patrons really jumped out at me. I hope you enjoyed this!

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